Saturday, May 26, 2012

Totally file this under "MISC."

Blogger's recent updated format allows me to see traffic statistics for my blog-o.  So I want to take this opportunity to give a shoutout to my international audience:  Salud.  Salute.  Na zdrave.  Budem zdorovy.  Prost.  Cheers all around y'all!  Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like is and what's to come.  :D

Painting of the Day

So I felt like painting Iron Man's Helmet

Friday, May 25, 2012

This is some prelim work that I'm doing for my friend's wedding.  So far, it's interesting work.  I'm gonna like spreading my wings on this one.
Inspired by Windsor Mcay of all people

When I tackle these on a full scale, It'll look sweet.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello internet, could you please help a fellow artist and all round cool friend Mya Kyrner by voting in this poster contest?  She needs some participation.  So let's participate, internet!

